Baker Consulting

Research - clients
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Holland College
PEI Young Adult Research
The purpose of this research was to gain quantitative insights into post-secondary education activity among young adults aged 18 to 25 and the perceptions of this cohort towards post-secondary education options. The methodology was a by-telephone survey with a stratified, non-proportional random sample. Scope of work included: research instrument design and pilot testing; data collection coordination; data analysis and interpretation of 685 completes; and reporting.

Information Technologies Association of PEI
Prince Edward Island Information Technology Labour Market Research
Conducted quantitative telephone research and qualitative focus group research among residents of PEI who were recent graduates of Information Technology programs. The purpose of the research was to gain insights into: IT education; employment status; primary job responsibilities; job satisfaction; barriers to obtaining IT employment in PEI; and perceptions of future opportunities in IT in PEI.

Tourism PEI
Economic Impact: Tourism
Economic Impact: Tourism is Tourism PEI’s annual report on visitations, visitor profiles and visitor expenditures for the mid-May to end of October tourism season. Scope of work included statistical analysis of research data from three visitor survey projects, development of weighting formulas, interpretation, and reporting including extensive graphing. Baker Consulting was also responsible for all aspects of field work and data collection for the PEI Survey from 1997 to 2003. 


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